Thursday, November 3, 2011

13 Things I Love Thursday

Inspired by the glorious Gala Darling

1. Haunted Castles! (See my blog entry about them here:

2. Halloween! (Check out my creepy & cool vintage image galleries here.)

3. Hot Browns! One of the best sandwich inventions EVER.

4. The cake at Tea Squares!

5. Oolong tea, I like it so much it's officially replaced soda in diet o' Liz.

6. Hunter S. Thompson and even 'The Rum Diary', though it was a tad slow. Oh yea, and Johnny Depp. (Read 'The Kentucky Derby is Decadent and Depraved in the blog here!)

7. Willie Wonka - new favorite Halloween costume! #7.5 = eating dinner by candlelight as Willie Wonka. (You can download and read it free here!

8. The Victorian Era and the marvelous event/costumes it inspired. (But how did an age with a woman ruling wind up being so restrictive to women? I remain mystified.

9. Speaking of the Vicotirans, Charles Dickens, inspiration for my upcoming Haunted Tea in Dec.!

10. Bowling Green's new Spot Cash Store - mecca of vintage fabulousness.

11. Watching firemen slide down the fire pole. (It's just cool.)

12. Boris Karloff's 'Thriller' series. I think I've watched all that are on Netflix and am now sufferring horribly, I want to see the rest! Best one, 'Papa Benjamin', was about a pianno player who sufferred a Voodoo curse in exchange for a hit tune.

13. Corn Husk Dolls! I've made a beautiful one and think I'll do more!

c. 1895

Things I Love Thursday Archives:




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