Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Things I Love Wednesday

Though the original by Gala Darling is 'Things I Love Thursday' I seem to always feel like doing this on Wednesday! I usually wait, and then wind up not doing it/forgetting by Thursday! So, as part of a general New Year's over-haul, I'm going to just make it 'Things I Love Wednesday' and hope that leads to more routine posting of this fabulous accentuation of the positive!

Happy Holidays everyone!

Champagne! * the smell of Gingerbread baking * eating gingerbread! * wine glasses full of colorful candy * wrapping presents * home-made soup on a rainy day * fluffy, fuzzy, snowbally things on bright red slippers * my new, cute, cuddly black kitten * the French Press and fabulous Kona Coffee I got for Christmas * Davidoff cigarettes, I almost wish I didn't know they existed * Edith Wharton * hand-crafted chocolate, especially white chocolate * red velvet cake * Katelan Foisy! * Cole's Funny Picture Book * drawing * Beowulf * Bob Masse's art * Martin Powell's Spider comics * Jack Montgomery's American Shamans and his music too! * holidays, especially Christmas *  adventures and a New Year full of more of them to look forward too!

One last thing I love:

Not usually but so much of a Reubens fan but wow. His portrait of Maria Serra Pallavicino.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Self Portraits of The Scandelous Countess

Read About the First Fashion Photography Model , Virginia Oldoini, Countess of Castiglione, who financed, costumed and choreographed a series of self-portraits that chronicled her life, including the parts she played on stage. They continued until near the time of her death, when the collection was around 700 photos. She first gained noteriety as the mistress of Napoleon III.