Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Things I Love Wednesday

Though the original by Gala Darling is 'Things I Love Thursday' I seem to always feel like doing this on Wednesday! I usually wait, and then wind up not doing it/forgetting by Thursday! So, as part of a general New Year's over-haul, I'm going to just make it 'Things I Love Wednesday' and hope that leads to more routine posting of this fabulous accentuation of the positive!

Happy Holidays everyone!

Champagne! * the smell of Gingerbread baking * eating gingerbread! * wine glasses full of colorful candy * wrapping presents * home-made soup on a rainy day * fluffy, fuzzy, snowbally things on bright red slippers * my new, cute, cuddly black kitten * the French Press and fabulous Kona Coffee I got for Christmas * Davidoff cigarettes, I almost wish I didn't know they existed * Edith Wharton * hand-crafted chocolate, especially white chocolate * red velvet cake * Katelan Foisy! * Cole's Funny Picture Book * drawing * Beowulf * Bob Masse's art * Martin Powell's Spider comics * Jack Montgomery's American Shamans and his music too! * holidays, especially Christmas *  adventures and a New Year full of more of them to look forward too!

One last thing I love:

Not usually but so much of a Reubens fan but wow. His portrait of Maria Serra Pallavicino.