Wednesday, September 28, 2011

More of the Best Twitter Bio's Ever

1. I was born for entertainment purposes only. @T_Ho427

2. Greg Almond is a pop culture idea what that means... @GregAAlmond

3. Hi, I'm lame. : ]  @ImJrLyn

4. Technically, we're all from Pangaea. @adamdswanson

5. Writer. Poor person. @QuinnSlater

6. I love bein' high ~ hate bein' low...And I like to drive my truck down a muddy dirt road. @HANK_III

7. Sherpa is a full-service concert promotion company. Eat more hot chicken.  @SherpaConcerts 

8. A little short to be a storm trooper. @spearsarah

9. ...I like green tea, rabbits and my life size cut out of Bela Lugosi scaring the shit out of me. @stealingkittens

10. A night person masquerading as a day person. Kind of a jackass. I have a music blog. If you like music, you might like it. @Truersound Matt

Follow me on Twitter @lonesomeliz